It all comes from an impossible dialogue inspired by Leopardi: the incarcerated Jesus of Nazareth speaks through the wall of his cell with the puppet Pinocchio. The staging is not entrusted to two actors but to two wooden puppets. In this form of estrangement, philosophical theater takes on poetry and lightness and the entertainment of the adult audience returns to the amazement and wonder of the child audience.
The 2005 production, Beati i perseguitati... the leader of the trilogy, introduces the language of Brunello and Molnár's puppet theater plus Il pane quotidiano, for the first time, in which Harlequin, reduced to poverty, has lost his home and in order not to ending up hanging with the other puppets in a museum has chosen the path and asks for charity on the steps of the cathedral...
Here you will witness the prayer of a puppet who addresses the statue of the angel Gabriel with the golden halo, a sacrilegious theft, the collapse of a statue, the head of Saint Gabriel which comes to life and above all a secular Annunciation: Colombina will conceive a son and everyone will rejoice. A comedy, as the puppeteer will tell the audience in his prologue outside the shack in his justification and exculpation, which is not by him but was written by Colombina, one of the longest-lived blockheads in his repertoire.
La Biennale