fbpx Biennale Architettura 2021 | ROMANIA: Migration in the context of Architecture and the City
La Biennale di Venezia

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ROMANIA: Migration in the context of Architecture and the City

Round Table
Title: Migration in the context of Architecture and the City

Participants: Exhibitors (Teleleu, IdeilaGram), Curators (Poster architects), Bogdan Iancu (anthropologist)
Location: Romania Pavilion, Giardini della Biennale


The exhibitors (journalists TELELEU and architects IDEILAGRAM) will debate about the complex situation and stakes of the Romanian diaspora in Europe and the Shrinking Cities in Romania left behind - focusing on the main theme of Migration in the context of Architecture and the City. Anthropologist Bogdan Iancu will co-host the debate, alongside the curatorial team.

Giardini della Biennale

30122 VENICE
TEL. +39 0415218711

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