fbpx Biennale Arte 2022 | Angela Su: Arise, Hong Kong in Venice
La Biennale di Venezia

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Angela Su: Arise, Hong Kong in Venice

  • TUE - SUN
    23/04 > 25/09
    11 am - 7 pm

    27/09 > 27/11
    10 am - 6 pm

    Closed on Mondays, except 31/10, 21/11

Organizing Institutions: M+, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority and Hong Kong Arts Development Council

Venue: Arsenale, Castello 2126, Campo della Tana


In Arise, Angela Su conveys a speculative narrative through interlocking fictional perspectives. The act of levitation serves as an organising metaphor that reappears throughout Su’s drawings, moving images, embroideries, and installations. The artist assumes the guise of fictional alter ego to explore myriad cultural and political valences of rising in the air. The centrepiece of the exhibition is a new video work, The Magnificent Levitation Act of Lauren O. This pseudo-documentary tells the story of Lauren O, a fictional character who believes she can levitate, and her involvement with Laden Raven, an activist group catalysed by the US antiwar movement of the 1960s. Su’s video comprises found footage and clips of a new performance by the artist. Weaving together fact and fiction, the work suggests an alternative space for action and disruption. Traces of Lauren O and Laden Raven are embedded in the constellation of artwork in the exhibition, which also invites the audience to take a journey in Su’s fictional world.


Angela Su, The Magnificent Levitation Act of Lauren O, 2022. Performance for the video. Photo Ka Lam. Video commissioned by M+. Courtesy the Artist

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Biennale Arte