fbpx Biennale Teatro 2020 | AstorriTintinelliTeatro - Eh! Eh! Eh! Raccapriccio
La Biennale di Venezia

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AstorriTintinelliTeatro - Eh! Eh! Eh! Raccapriccio

World premiere:2020, 70’
With:Alberto Astorri and Paola Tintinelli
Light design:O Pirat 17
First organist and sound engineer:Francesco Traverso
Sculptures:Sara Mongelli
In coproduction with:Teatro della Contraddizione and Gli Scarti
Sculptures:Federico Biancalani and Sara Mongino
Note:Strobe lights are used during this performance


Baudelaire, the great poet of modernity, was taken to a court during his lifetime, because his verses were seen as exciting the senses, generating repugnance, foetid. Suffused with fragrance but also poison. They go to your head, get your nerves drunk, make your head spin, cause distress.
We imagine a show with a lucifer-esque, intoxicated aura. We imagine a place which evokes the sacred space as much as possible, with an atmosphere of mystery and twilight hanging over it, two creatures measuring up in revulsion and horror, on life’s fleetingness.

Alberto Astorri, Paola Tintinelli

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Biennale Teatro
Biennale Teatro