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La Biennale di Venezia

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Franco Visioli - Ultima latet

World premiere:2020, 90’
By:Franco Visioli
Directing: Franco Visioli
With:Alice Torriani and Elisabetta Valgoi
Drama consultancy:Letizia Russo
Set design:Annelisa Zaccheria
Costumes:Graziella Pepe
Lighting:Fabio Bozzetta
Interaction design:Andrea Spontoni
Sound technician:Paolo Cillerai
Scenery assistant:Olimpia Russo
Assistant director:Paolo Costantini
Production:Brunella Giolivo
In collaboration with:Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria
Artistic residency at:Spazio Zut! di Foligno


The project is entrusted to two women who meet and you never know where two women meeting for the first time will go. Perhaps they lead into the project itself, a project which two women foresee. Two actresses, certainly, far off and nearby, alike but alike is too much. I’m not saying that the two actresses are alike. They aren’t. I’m speaking of the characters, characters who shouldn’t be alike. That is, I’m not saying that they shouldn’t be alike, I’m saying that they shouldn’t be characters, they should lose their being characters nature.

Remain outside it, keep away, avoid any reference to the primary means by which characters are made as far as possible, namely acting. How can they be kept clean? Perhaps via an extra degree of awareness, something which unites them, whatever the relationship between them. A relationship which may be good or otherwise. Something which goes beyond and brings you close, holds you close. Locks you in like a 12 mm wing nut. Like a disease perhaps?

Franco Visioli

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Biennale Teatro