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La Biennale di Venezia

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Focus on the double bass - Charlotte Testu

Solo for double bass and electronic devices


Raphaèle Biston (1975) Présence (2015, 12’) for double bass and electroacoustic device, Italian premiere – commissioned by gmem-CNCM-Marseille
Francesca Verunelli (1979) Sky and Decaying Sinusoids (2014, 10’) for double bass and electronic device, Italian premiere – commissioned by Festival d’Aix en Provence e gmem-CNCM-Marseille
Aurélio Edler Copes (1976) Radio Bass (2018, 20’) for amplified double bass and voice, pedal effects and live electronics, world premiere – commissioned by La Biennale di Venezia
Fernando Garnero (1976) Mutante/Amniótica (2018, 20’) for double bass, prepared double bass and live electronics, world premiere – commissioned by La Biennale di Venezia

Charlotte Testu double bass

Camille Giuglaris live electronics (Présence, Sky and Decaying Sinusoids)
Aurélio Edler-Copes live electronics (Radio Bass)
Daniel Zea live electronics (Mutante/Amniótica)

with the collaboration of CICM, Centre de Recherche Informatique et Création Musicale/Musidanse, Université Paris 8, MSH Paris Nord


In a dimension that transforms the space of the stage and the music listening space into a scenographic soundscape, Charlotte Testu uses electronic devices to reinvent the instrumental technique of the double bass.

In Présence by Raphaèle Biston, there is the feeling that the relationship being staged is an ambiguous one: a play generated from the dialogue between a character, an individual and something invisible yet present.

Sky and Decaying Sinusoids by Francesca Verunelli revolves around the intent to reinvent an acoustic instrument (and the codes of listening perception related to it) in an artificial space that is as distant as possible from its immediate physical credibility and comprehension.

In Radio Bass, Aurélio Edler-Copes works on the idea of fusion, in the sense of merging into a single entity and within a particular electronic device, the voice of the performer and the sound of the instrument which are thus transformed and amplified, while Mutante/Amniótica by Fernando Garnero features a staged- device, and a sound study of the passage from outside to inside and a grid of silences.

Ca’ Giustinian

30124 VENICE
TEL. +39 0415218711

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