"We have chosen to widen the horizons of the section 23 Aperto with the intent to highlight the innovative aspects of language and new sounds that even the more market-oriented music can express in its most original and convincing instances", says director Ivan Fedele.

23 APERTO: between experimentation and research
Four gigs with innovative bands and new sounds are featured in the Festival’s cutting-edge section.
23 Aperto
This year too, the Festival embraces different genres to advance experimentation and research: "We have chosen to widen the horizons of the section 23 Aperto with the intent to highlight the innovative aspects of language and new sounds that even the more market-oriented music can express in its most original and convincing instances", says Ivan Fedele.
Featured will be the electronics of Demdike Stare (29 September, Teatro alle Tese), which oscillate between ambient, industrial and the darkest noise, but are also inspired by free jazz and house; the syncretic rock of the "ecowave" band JoyCut (5 October, Teatro alle Tese), for their commitment to environmental awareness campaigns; the original sound of double-bassist Ferrucio Spinetti, formerly of Avion Travel, and vocalist Petra Magoni, one of the finest jazz singers, together in Musica Nuda, as they bring their latest production to Venice inspired by the theme of travelling and the writings of Fosco Maraini (4 October, Sala delle Colonne); and finally the new quartet of the legendary Enrico Rava, inspired by a project he developed in Japan last fall (8 October, Sala delle Colonne).