fbpx Biennale Cinema 2023 | Classici fuori Mostra - Accattone
La Biennale di Venezia

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Classici fuori Mostra - Accattone

by Pier Paolo Pasolini
with Franco Citti, Adriana Asti
Italy, 1961
Restored by Cineteca di Bologna and The Film Foundation
Introduced by Marco Bertozzi, Miriam De Rosa


Screening in original language with subtitles in Italian.


Read more about Classici fuori Mostra


“Pasolini’s dazzling debut in cinema, Accattone is the story of a thief from the Roman borgate, steeped in the sub-proletarian reality that the writer, upon coming to Rome in the 1950s, had described with passion in his novels. Not a hint of neo-realism. Pasolini ‘did not take the actors from life, but life from the actors’ wrote Amelio with excellent intuition, ‘so that the story of their existence would be told by someone who loves them, not by someone who uses them’ (…). The technical limitations are transformed, by the power of culture, into simple, pure almost hieratic images, which aspire to a Dreyerian essentiality. A sober language, set to sacral music, which merge into poetry that can stand up to the tragic reality of the Roman borgate”. (Gianni Volpi)

Cinema Rossini

Salizada de la Chiesa o del Teatro
San Marco 3997/A
30124 Venice
Tel. +39 041 2417274

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