fbpx Biennale Cinema 2020 | Classici fuori Mostra - Dans la ville blanche (In the White City)
La Biennale di Venezia

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Classici fuori Mostra - Dans la ville blanche (In the White City)

Dans la ville blanche (In the White City)
by Alain Tanner
with Bruno Ganz, Teresa Madruga, Julia Vonderlinn, José Carvhalo
Switzerland/Portugal, 1982
Restored by the Association Alain Tanner and Cinémathèque Suisse


Original language version with subtitles in Italian.


Read more about Classici fuori Mostra


“At the beginning of the film, Ganz points out to the waitress that the clock in the bar is wrong. She answers: ‘The clock is right. It’s the world that’s wrong’. This feeling that the world is out of place pervades the urban solitude surrounding the protagonist, who uses his camera to record fragments of reality that he sends to his wife, moping around the house as if he expected to be captured by reality, to be absorbed by it.” (F. Bas) “Blues over the sea and over Lisbon, a film about time and space (and hence about cinema) in sequences of daydreams.” (M. Morandini)

Giardini della Biennale

30122 VENICE
TEL. +39 0415218711

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