fbpx Biennale Musica 2017 | Alexander Chernyshkov and Tempo Reale
La Biennale di Venezia

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Music  - Show

Alexander Chernyshkov and Tempo Reale

il rosso risvegliato for two performers, extended winds and devices (2017, 50’) world premiere - commissioned by La Biennale di Venezia
Alexander Chernyshkov  dramaturgy and composition
Dario Fariello saxophone, winds, voice
Alessandro Baticci flute, winds, voice
Francesco Canavese, Francesco Casciaro, Alexander Chernyshkov, Francesco Pellegrino  design of devices and control
Francesco Canavese sound direction
production La Biennale di Venezia, Tempo Reale


Chernyshkov’s new work is performed in a “vintage” technological environment that the young Russian composer has found to be incredibly stimulating and liberating for his original and unbridled creativity. In this experiment, Chernyshkov “tackles a score that brings together everyday tools-devices (elevator relays, dot matrix printers, obsolete floppy disks, etc.) and the contribution of two unconventional poly-instrumentalists. With an approach to the space that again seeks to reach past the traditional concept of concert to engage the audience in an immersive experience of proximity, increasingly essential to the most advanced electronic musical experiences”.


Each moment is by definition extraordinary.
It is only our awareness which is more or less ready to perceive it. And now, while reading these lines and deciding whether to stop here or proceed to the end, your time and perception of reality is flowing differently and you are hoping in an extraordinariness of this text. Please, make an effort and don’t read further, just listen to the acoustic space arrrrrrrrrrr  r        oun  d            y
something is
           somewhere       all the time. Sometimes we hear it, sometimes we don’t. Everything I do focuses my attention on а phenomenon that interests me and transfigures it.
Everyone could do it.

Teatro alle Tese

30122 VENICE
TEL. +39 0415218711

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Biennale Musica