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La Biennale di Venezia

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Dominic Stevens, JFOC Architects

Alejandro de la Sota, Maravillas Gymnasium, Madrid, Spain
[Close Encounter]

Analysis vs Experience. My passion for architecture is my passion for the world, the experienced world. I am interested in researching by doing things, by taking action, and then reflecting upon what I have done in order to learn. If you want to learn how to dance you have to start dancing!
My original interest was in the ground of this project, the earthworks. This was derived from the examination of sections and plans of the project and connecting these to currents in my own work of the “earthwork move”.
My visit came later and, as is usual for me, the lived experience (or rather my later reflection on it) was clearer and more exciting. De la Sota creates a three-dimensional arena for action, it is a spectacle that people partake in - they invent and reinvent this action on a daily basis. He conceived the space for this with the brute force of raw structure and simple material. The model for the Biennale Architettura is concerned with people, actors held in previously unimagined space, housed by the structural invention of Alejandro de la Sota. People, structure and spectacle.
Dominic Stevens, JFOC Architects

Central Pavilion
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Biennale Architettura
Biennale Architettura