fbpx Biennale Danza 2020 | Claudia Castellucci - Fisica dell’aspra comunione
La Biennale di Venezia

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Claudia Castellucci - Fisica dell’aspra comunione

Dance by:Compagnia Mòra
Choreography:Claudia Castellucci
Music from:Catalogue d’Oiseaux by Olivier Messiaen
With a musical finial by:Stefano Bartolini
Piano:Matteo Ramon Arevalos
Dancers:Sissj Bassani, Silvia Ciancimino, René Ramos, Francesca Siracusa, Pier Paolo Zimmermann
Technical director and lighting:Eugenio Resta
Technique:Francesca Di Serio, Gionni Gardini, Caterina Soranzo
Production director:Benedetta Briglia
Organization:Camilla Rizzi
Co-production:La Biennale di Venezia
Music from Catalogue d’Oiseaux by Olivier Messiaen:L’Alouette Calandrelle, Le Courlis Cendré, La Rousserolle Effarvatte, La Rousserolle Effarvatte, La Buse Variable, L’Alouette-Lulu, Le Merle de roche, Le Loriot, La Rousserolle Effarvatte, La Rousserolle Effarvatte


Fisica dell’aspra comunione is a dance paced through a pattern of movements derived from Catalogue d’Oiseaux, composed for piano by Olivier Messiaen between 1956 and 1958, after his lengthy observation and annotation of birds’ songs on the pentagram. Their free vocal emissions, with their unpredictable, impossible-to-memorize rhythms, lead to a contemplative and non-mensural interpretation of dance.

Claudia Castellucci

“Notes on dance.
Dance was the intuition to create a profoundly silent movement.
I established the specific discipline in the immense chapter of time, between its hermetic closures and disproportionate openings. I neither sought nor found anything, in tradition, not out of hubris, but due to a truly primitive access. I relied on music alone as the source of the rhythm to follow. My admiration for gymnastics led me to ask experts about the physiological rudiments of being and human movement. A sense of duty towards the performing arts led me to create a school, and then a company”.

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Biennale Danza
Biennale Danza