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La Biennale di Venezia

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Atelier Marko Brajovic

Amphibious: Living Between Water and Land in the Amazon

  • MAR - DOM
    22/05 > 31/07
    11.00 - 19.00

    01/08 > 21/11
    10.00 - 18.00
  • Padiglione Centrale
  • Ingresso con biglietto

Atelier Marko Brajovic (Brasile, 2006)




Amphibious: Living Between Water and Land in the Amazon esamina le strategie di collaborazione di diversi organismi anfibi e degli insediamenti umani costieri, e lo fa a tre livelli interconnessi, reali e immaginari. Il primo riguarda le strategie biologiche degli organismi amazzonici di maggior successo, quelli cioè in grado di adattarsi a condizioni ambientali mutevoli a metà tra acqua e terra; il secondo riguarda le ingegnose soluzioni architettoniche escogitate negli insediamenti umani che consentono di organizzare la vita in un ambiente di confine liquido; il terzo riguarda un progetto concettuale di un villaggio galleggiante anfibio per l’Antropocene, costituito da unità off-grid auto-organizzate e rigenerative che si connettono sinergicamente con il metabolismo amazzonico. L’Amazzonia è costituita da un paesaggio fluido in cui i confini tra terra e acqua sono in costante movimento, con profonde ripercussioni nell’ambiente biotico e abiotico. Fin dalle epoche ancestrali gli esseri umani hanno imparato ad adattarsi ai mutamenti ambientali vivendo in società altamente organizzate. Che si tratti di contesti umani o non umani, la strategia di sopravvivenza è sempre la stessa: cooperazione e interdipendenza.

Biennale Sneak Peek

Image 1 – How will we live together?
The Amazon rainforest operates as a resilient superorganism where millions of organisms live together, cooperate and co-evolve, creating structural conditions for life.
Learning from amphibious organisms, ancestral indigenous riverside architecture, we need to envision such intelligence and design humans tomorrow through that perspective in symbiosis with all other species.
Amazon is a natural high tech laboratory of the future, the most advanced and complex ecosystem, where we can learn from and apply that knowledge (functional, behavioural, structural) to our future architecture, villages and cities that can live in harmony with the changing conditions of the Amazon environment, as much create models for other global regions subject to eventual flooding due to climate crises.
We will live together, with all non-human species in an ecologically conscious world.
Nature teaches us about symbiotic interconnected and interdependent relationships where collaboration is the essence for survival of humanity synchronized with the dynamics of the biosphere.


Image 2 – Sneak peek of the project
Amazon is a liquid landscape where boundaries between land and water move constantly, influencing dramatically the biotic and abiotic environment.
Depending on a water annual tide, rivers and lakes change completely the environment where humans and all species adapt to changing conditions.
From ancestral times, humans learned how to adapt to transforming landscapes, using the energy that flows through the system, between water and land. Floating architecture and agroecological practices manifests a highly efficient symbiosis with the rainfall seasons environment changing patterns.
In the same way, numerous other species are organizing themselves in cooperative colonies and symbiotic relations between different organisms, creating resilient conditions for life.
In both cases (humans and non humans) the survival strategy is the same: cooperation and interdependence.
For more than a decade we have been researching floating architecture and biomimetic models in symbiotic organisms, together with his architect team, biologists and his students in the Amazon rainforest. Research, models, education and commercial projects in the Amazon will be presented as work in progress laboratory in the Amphibious exhibition. 


Vento Leste

Crediti di produzione

Istituzione, clienti e partner: Architectural Association Visiting School Amazon (AAVSA)
Programma: Architectural Association School of Architettura

Mamori Community Floating Library
Istituzioni: Goethe Institut e Prince Claus Fund

Creative Laboratory of the Amazon (LCA)
Iniziativa di: Amazonia 4.0

Ceremonial House
Donazioni per: Ashaninka popolo indigeno

Mirante Madada
Committente: Mirante do Gavião - Amazon Lodges

Riverside education
Istituzione: Fundação Almerinda Malaquias
Science Museum of the Amazon (MuCA)
Istituzione: MuCA

Native Village 
Committente: Aldeia Global
Araquém Alcântara expedition
Committente: Vento Leste

Atelier Marko Brajovic team
Direttore creativo: Marko Brajovic
Direttore di progetto: Bruno Bezerra
Progetto: Guilherme Giantini
Realizzazione dei contenuti: May Shinzato
Progetto grafico: Barbara Helena Morais

Consulenza biomimetica: Alessandra Araujo
Consulenza sui sistemi dei materiali: Nacho Marti

Padiglione Centrale
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Biennale Architettura