fbpx Biennale Arte 2019 | Kiribati
La Biennale di Venezia

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Pacific Time - Time Flies

Commissioner: Pelea Tehumu, Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Curators: Kautu Tabaka, Nina Tepes.
Exhibitors: Kaeka Michael Betero, Daniela Danica Tepes, Kairaken Betio Group; Teroloang Borouea, Neneia Takoikoi, Tineta Timirau, Teeti Aaloa, Kenneth Ioane, Kaumai Kaoma, Runita Rabwaa, Obeta Taia, Tiribo Kobaua, Tamuera Tebebe, Rairauea Rue, Teuea Kabunare, Tokintekai Ekentetake, Katanuti Francis, Mikaere Tebwebwe, Terita Itinikarawa, Kaeua Kobaua, Raatu Tiuteke, Kaeriti Baanga, Ioanna Francis, Temarewe Banaan, Aanamaria Toom, Einako Temewi, Nimei Itinikarawa, Teniteiti Mikaere, Aanibo Bwatanita, Arin Tikiraua.
Venue: European Cultural Centre, Palazzo Mora, Strada Nuova 3659


Pacific Time - Time Flies. The Republic of Kiribati Pavilion at the 58th International Art Exhibition reflects the endangered existence of the island country of Kiribati and the times we live in. The artist Kaeka Michael Betero uses photography to represent the threat to homes and inhabitants. The Kairaken Betio Group uses dance to communicate their passion for life, dance, and tradition. Daniela Danica Tepes, a visual artist, connects all the artworks into a single interactive installation. This art project deals with the issue of climate change and is designed as a reflection on the artwork, human presence, and space.

Venezia, Cannaregio 3659
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Biennale Arte