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La Biennale di Venezia

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Notte fantasma

Orizzonti Extra
Fulvio Risuleo
Elsinore Film (Annamaria Morelli, Antonio Celsi), Wildside (Mario Gianani, Lorenzo Gangarossa), Vision Distribution (Massimiliano Orfei)
Running Time:
Main Cast:
Edoardo Pesce, Yothin Clavenzani
Fulvio Risuleo
Guido Mazzoni
Ilenia Zincone
Production Designer:
Sabina Angeloni
Costume Designer:
Stefano Ciammitti
Francesco Rita
Luca Cafarelli, Francesco Lucarelli
Visual Effects:
Backlight Digital


It is evening. Tarek is seventeen years old and is on his way to see his friends, who have asked him on the telephone to pass by the park first and buy a few grams of dope: nothing much, just enough for some fun. The boy buys the stuff in the dark park, but when he emerges finds that someone has seen him: a policeman in plain clothes, sitting in his own car. The man could simply confiscate the hash, intimidate him a little and then let him go, or he could decide to take him to the station and call his parents. But he opts for neither of these things. He tells the young man to get in the car and starts the engine. Where does he want to take him? The policeman is ambiguous, mysterious. What does he want from the teenager? Tarek is in check, he can’t just leave. The policeman makes him stay with him the whole night, driving around in apparently aimless fashion, stopping first in one place, then in another. If at certain moments he seems kind and understanding, at others he displays a menacing side. Slowly it becomes clear that he is not well. His brain is in overdrive, it’s a runaway train with no brakes... And Tarek is on this train with him.

Director’s Statement

The story of the film is told by the two diametrically opposed protagonists, who reveal themselves through their conversation. As screenwriter of the film my job is to create clear and stylised dialogues, while as director I am required to tamper with them, altering them to make them realistic. All this with the aid of the two great actors who star in the movie.
Notte fantasma is one of those ‘all in one night’ films. The limited time lets you focus on the details, giving importance to the sort of little things that would be overlooked in other stories. The night isolates the characters as if, in the darkness, time has come to a stop and space turned into an abstract place.


PRODUCTION 1: Annamaria Morelli, Antonio Celsi – Elsinore Film
Via delle Mantellate 29A
00165 – Roma, Italia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elsinorefilm

PRODUCTION 2: Mario Gianani, Lorenzo Gangarossa – Wildside
Viale Giuseppe Mazzini 9
00195 – Roma, Italia
Tel. +39 0694516900
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wildsidesrl

PRODUCTION 3: Massimiliano Orfei – Vision Distribution
Via Po 12
00198 – Roma, Italia
Tel. +39 0699585158
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/visionfilmdistribution

WORLD SALES: Catia Rossi – Vision Distribution
Via Po 12
00198 – Roma, Italia
Tel. +39 0699585158
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/visionfilmdistribution

ITALIAN DISTRIBUTION: Davide Novelli – Vision Distribution Spa
Via Po 12
00198 – Roma, Italia
Tel. +39 06995851
Mob. +39 3927378608 (D. Novelli)‬‬

ITALIAN DISTRIBUTION (PRESS OFFICE): Emanuela Semeraro – Vision Distribution Spa
Mob. +39 3473556512

PRESS OFFICE: Arianna Monteverdi
Via Cesare Correnti 2
25128 – Brescia, Italia
Mob. +39 3386182078

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