Director: | Henrik Dyb Zwart |
Production: | Bacon Osl (Østein K. Dyb) |
Running Time: | 8’ |
Language: | Norwegian |
Country: | Norway |
Main Cast: | Steinar Kloumann Hallert, Elisabeth Aschehoug, Sondre Larsen |
Screenplay: | Henrik Dyb Zwart |
Cinematographer: | Mario Poljac |
Editor: | Henrik Dyb Zwart |
Production Designer: | Øyvind Møgster |
Costume Designer: | Wenche Luther |
Music: | Axel Toreg Reite |
Sound: | Andreas Waag Martinsen |
Alt på en gang (Everything at Once)

Jakob has gone through something big. Something that changed everything. Well, actually, it was a lot of different things, and he can’t really tell them apart that well. It’s as is if everything happened at once. Some fragments stand out; a car, a gust of wind, sunshine reflecting off that building. Feet on the asphalt. And Mads, his intrusive, abusive friend, with some kind of grand plan to fix everything. And someone so perfect, you’ll always remember them.
Director’s Statement
A film with incredible potential conveying personal experiences: this is what I wanted to explore with Alt på en gang; to dive into a myriad of memories of the central character; to see and hear how he really perceives the events that unfold around him. The goal was to make an exciting film, where the poetry of it was just as intriguing as the plot.
PRODUCTION: Øystein K. Dyb – Bacon OSL AS
Grensen 8
0159 – Oslo, Norway
Tel. +47 48073892
WORLD SALES: Sydney Neter – SND Films
P.O. Box 15703
1001 NE Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 204040707
PRESS OFFICE: Øystein K. Dyb – Bacon OSL AS
Grensen 8
0159 – Oslo, Norway
Tel. +47 48073892