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La Biennale di Venezia

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Chroma 11

Venice Immersive
Tsang Tsui-Shan
River Vision Production, Hong Kong Arts Centre (Kattie Fan, Teresa Kwong)
Running Time:
English, Cantonese
Hong Kong SAR
Main Cast:
Thien-pau Wong, Ah-hock Khek
Tsang Tsui-shan
Jason Lam, Michael Chu, Desmond Liu, Bobby Lee
Jason Lam
Eunice Martins
Benny Chan
Art director: Iv Chan
Lead developer: Jason Lam
Production designer and costumes: Iv Chan
Project managers: Kattie Fan, Kate Lau


Chroma 11 is a Virtual Reality immersive experience based on the true story of lost love. As an extension of the dance documentary film Ward 11, which documented the heart-rending last days of dance artist Aaron Khek Ah-hock and his partner Ix Wong Thien-pau. The Chroma 11 project expands the boundaries of moving images with VR technology. Through clips of rearranged memories and volumetric video captured by DepthKit, the creative team strives to reconstruct a reunion of the parted souls in the form of a duo dance after life.

Director’s statement

Always together yet forever apart. The spirit of 11 has extended from the love between the two of them into various forms. This is more than a short film (Ward 11) or a VR work (Chroma 11). This is also the channel for individuals to continue communicating with Ix. Every conversation is a love story, in which love transcends individuality and death. The journey of 11 simply cannot be explained in a few words. It explores the ideas of love, the conduct of life, technologies, and—more importantly—egolessness and formlessness. People are so far apart yet so close. Can modern technology bring people’s minds back together, even across the border of life and death? I admire Ix’s ritualistic lifestyle. He nourishes himself and his lover so that his spirit is not dampened by his loss, instead, it becomes more vibrant. In immersive storytelling, the screen frame we are familiar with no longer exists. Viewers experience the past and present of the characters at that moment, with the help of visual and auditory stimuli.


PRODUCTION 1: River Vision Production
30, 4th Lane, Ho Chung Village, Sai Kung
Hong Kong SAR
Tel. +852 97423521

PRODUCTION 2: Kattie Fan, Teresa Kwong – Hong Kong Arts Centre
2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai
Hong Kong SAR
Tel. +852 28245329

PRESS OFFICE: La Biennale di Venezia – Biennale College Cinema
Tel. +39 0412726644

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