Read more Among Diverse Beings Imagining spaces in which we can generously live together as human beings who, despite increasing individuality, yearn to connect with one another and with other species across digital and real space
Read more As New Households Imagining spaces in which we can generously live together as new households looking for more diverse and dignified spaces for inhabitation
Read more As Emerging Communities Imagining spaces in which we can generously live together as emerging communities that demand equity, inclusion, and spatial identity
Read more Across Borders Imagining spaces in which we can generously live together across political borders to imagine new geographies of association
Read more As One Planet Imagining spaces in which we can generously live together as a planet facing crises that require global action for all of us to continue living at all
Read more How will we play together? How we play together as children prepares us for the challenge of coexistence: five strategies to expand bodily experience, rehearse domestic spaces, reinvent communal rules of games, elevate transgressive play, and reintroduce natural phenomena into the space of play
Read more Co-Habitats Showing how we do live together in Addis Ababa, the Azraq Refugee Camp, Beirut, Hong Kong, the India-Pakistan corridors, a Lagos squatter settlement compared to one in Cairo and another in Guadalajara, New York, Pristina, Rio de Janeiro, and the Sao Paulo area
Read more Stations This section focuses on the cross-border potential of migrant citizens and natural systems, looks at the politics of personal hygiene and accessibility and investigates the histories and technologies of housing