Director: | Andrea Segre |
Production: | ZaLab Film (Andrea Segre), Rai Cinema, Istituto Luce Cinecittà |
Running Time: | 93’ |
Language: | Venetian dialect, Italian, Romanian, Bengali, English |
Country: | Italy |
Screenplay: | Gianfranco Bettin, Andrea Segre |
Cinematographer: | Matteo Calore |
Editor: | Chiara Russo |
Music: | Sergio Marchesini |
Sound: | Alberto Cagol, Riccardo Spagnol |
Il pianeta in mare (A Planet in the Sea)

Entering the industrial world of Marghera, the mechanical heart of the Venice Lagoon which has not stopped beating for a hundred years: it’s a world hanging in the balance between an awkward past and an uncertain future, where the workforce is made up of over sixty different nationalities. Wandering into and marveling at places hardly ever explored before, like the steel bellies of great ships under construction, the shadows of the abandoned bastions of the Petrolchimico facility, the blast furnaces and smokestacks of the refineries, the new computerised world of Vega or the hundreds of containers that intercontinental shipping lines unload round the clock on the edges of the motionless lagoon. Through the lives of workers, manager, truck drivers and the cook of the last trattoria left in Marghera, the images help us to understand what remains of Italy’s great dream of industrial progress now that the country is immersed, after the crises and wounds of the recent past, in global flows of finance and migration.
Director’s Statement
Over the last two years the response every time I told someone I was working on a film about Marghera was: “Ah, does Marghera still exist?” The many wounds and many crises that have been inflicted on this industrial zone, like many others in Italy, have resulted in a great national blank. We think that in those spaces nothing and no one is left. But it is not so. A maker of documentaries has an important duty: to take people to places where they cannot or do not wish to enter. Il pianeta in mare was born for this reason.
PRODUCTION 1: Andrea Segre - ZaLab Film Srl
Vicolo Vincenzo Bellini, 12
35131 – Padova, Italy
Tel. 33361274833
PRODUCTION 2: Rai Cinema Spa
Piazza Adriana, 12
00193 – Roma, Italy
Tel. +39 06 33179601
PRODUCTION 3: Istituto Luce Cinecittà Srl
Via Tuscolana, 1055
00173 – Roma,Italy
Tel. +39 06 722861
Mob. 3207470478
ITALIAN DISTRIBUTION: Maud Corino - ZaLab Film Srl
Vicolo Vincenzo Bellini, 12
35131 – Roma, Italy
Tel. 33361274833
ITALIAN PRESS OFFICE: Lucrezia Viti – PressPress
via Anton Giulio Barrili, 12
00152 – Roma, Italy
Tel. +39 06 45684719
Mob. 3482565827