fbpx Biennale Cinema 2023 | Aufwind
La Biennale di Venezia

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Venice Immersive
Florian Siebert
Neonreal (Peter Marszalek, Jan Thiel, Michael Plängsken, Michael Albrecht), Volucap Berlin (Sven Bliedung von der Heide, Torsten Schimmer)
Running Time:
Florian Siebert
Martin Geupel, Florian Siebert
Moritz Füllgrabe
Marco Beck
Art director:Jan Thiel
Lead developers:Henrik Hühn, Martin Geupel, Thomas Hummes
Developers:Max Tratnik, Madeleine Lynen, Maurice Miklis, Rune Jendral, Hakim Weingart
Lead designers:Kathrin Tong, Tamás Havasi
Designers:Jutta Bölz, Carolyn Perez Hemphill, Gudrun Leyendecker, Jenny Dechene, Laura Herr, Juliane Brummund
Artists:Tamás Havasi, Sam Kaufel, Jakob Runge, Luisa Voß, Minh Duong, Carina Kohmes, Svenja Schmitt, Kaspar Elias Becker, Fjodor Tscherkassow, Timo Kozlik


Aufwind is an immersive virtual reality film and tells the story of Charlotte Möhring and Melli Beese, the first German female pilots who want to make it in the male domain of aviation and obtain a pilot’s license. Our story takes place in the industrial Ruhr area of western Germany in 1912, where Charlotte and Melli meet on the occasion of an airship christening. While some men want to keep women away from flying and are not afraid to manipulate the planes and put the female pilots in danger, Charlotte and Melli fight for their dream and, as pioneers, shape the early history of aviation. This film draws the audience completely into the story and lets them feel wind, smell and movement through a motion seat. The participants are brought in as characters and become emotionally involved when they are directly addressed by the main characters, fly an airplane or drive a car themselves. Aufwind was created using the new volumetric capturing technology.

Main Creator's Statement

We bring classic cinematic storytelling into the medium of virtual reality, allowing the audience to be fully immersed in our story. The actors were recorded using the new technology of volumetric capturing, every captured performance remains untouched, every facial expression, every emotion: real! And viewers experience the story as if they were really there. We tell the story of two impressive women who fight for their dream against all odds and against social barriers. They are pioneers, paving the way for future generations of girls and women. We used cutting-edge technology to create past worlds, because what these strong women achieved still reverberates today.



PRODUCTION 1: Peter Marszalek, Jan Thiel, Michael Plaengsken, Michael Albrecht - Neonreal GmbH
Kronprinzenstraße 12-16
40217 – Düsseldorf, Germany
Tel. +49 21192414790

PRODUCTION 2: Sven Bliedung von der Heide, Torsten Schimmer – Volucap GmbH
August-Bebel-Str. 26-53
14482 – Potsdam, Germany
Tel. +49 33188547580

PRESS OFFICE: Hanna Pfennings – Neonreal GmbH
Kronprinzenstrasse, 12-16
40217 – Dusseldorf, Germany
Mob. +49 17631322366

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Biennale Cinema