Christina Kubisch is one representative of the first generation of sound artists. She began her career as a composer in Italy in 1973, studying with Franco Donatoni and attending electronic music courses at Conservatorio di Milano. In the artistic sphere she has produced sound sculptures and installations using unusual techniques such as magnetic induction to produce works exploring sound’s light and space related potential. Electrical Walks, a creation which made her internationally renowned, takes the form of itineraries throughout cities with special headphones designed by the artist herself converting electromagnetic waves into audio signals. Her works have been presented in museums, galleries and music festivals all over the world since the 1970s. She has received numerous international prizes awards including the Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e.V. (the German Economic Arts and Culture Association at the Federation of German Industries) in 1988, a scholarship from the Berlin Senate (1995), the US Carl Djerassi Honorary Fellowship (2000), the Deutsche Klangkunstpreis’s honorary prize (2008), the SR Medienkunstpreis (2009), the Bonn Stadtklangkünstlerin from the Beethoven Foundation (2013) and the Karl-Sczuka-Preis with Peter Kutin and Florian Kindlinger (2016). She has also taught at the universities of Paris, Berlin and Oxford. From 1994 to 2013 she was tenured professor at the Saarbrücken Fine Arts Academy and founded its Audio-visual Arts Department, the first in Germany.