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La Biennale di Venezia

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Leonardo Lidi - La città morta

World premiere:2020
From:Gabriele D’Annunzio
Adaptation and directing: Leonardo Lidi
With:Christian La Rosa, Mario Pirrello, Giuliana Vigogna
Scenery and lighting:Nicolas Bovey
Costumes: Aurora Damanti
Sound design:Dario Felli
Arrangements:Dario Felli, Paolo Casali
Direction assistant:Sanida Mujakovic
Electrician and sound technician:Lorenzo Maugeri
Stage manager:Guido Pastorino
Production:Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria, La Corte Ospitale


Who lives in the Dead City?

The audience, the four characters or the glorious masks from the past?

This is the question I ask myself when I analyse Gabriele D’Annunzio’s first theatre text, a failed attempt to rewrite Tragedy passing from Iphigenia’s sacrifice to Cassandra’s truth.

Leonardo, a young archaeologist, seeks answers in the arid, dusty earth, deluding himself that present obsessions can be resolved by hiding in past grandeur. He digs to bring Agamemnon’s face to the surface, a face which can replace his own, a face which is wrong for the public.

Leonardo Lidi

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Biennale Teatro